Friday, November 20, 2009

غراندايزر انطلق ...

الأطفال المساكين مجبورون على التفوق بالطول بالعرض من فوق من تحت لازم المحروس يرجع بامتياز الى أمه أو أبوه الذين عمرهما كله ما شافوا ريحة الامتياز ... نسأل الاب ليش تضغط على الولد ترى هذه قدراته و مقدرته ... رد علي : لا لا لا ما يدرس أنا أدري ما يدرس طالع علي !!! فسألت مستفسرا : لو نفرض انك كنت تدرس هل كان من الممكن ان تتفوق؟ فرد: أكيد لأصبحت دكتور جامعي ( اللي يسمع موت دكتور جامعة يعني مقطع الفهامية !!!) ... فقلت له و ببرود: أنا أعرفك انت كنت مولع بغراندايزر و لا تفهم شيئ غيره فما لا داعي "تشق ولدك" الناس قدرات ابحث له من الان على ما هو مبدع فيه ... و الخيارات مفتوحة في أشياء كثيرة ... لكنه لم يقتنع و يعتقد أنني لا اريد له أو لابنه الخير - الكلام من ثمان أعوام -... عموما الولد تخرج من سجن الاحداث منذ مدة !!! يعني تخرج من شيئ على الأقل !!! حالة لا أدري نادرة أم لأ ؟؟؟ و لكن دليل على حماقة الاباء و الامهات و جهلهم المستمر في ادراك عناصر التربية الاساسية !!! و تركيزهم المستمر على المباهاة الاجتماعية فقط و قدراتهم في اختيار الخادمة المربية من مكتب الخدم !!! ... ان ما يتمتع به اطفالنا على وجه العموم من خصال يرسم لنا و بوضوح شديد للمستقبل ... و اليكم بعض تلك الصفات مما استشعرت نتائجه في فصول الدراسة الجامعية نتاجا لتلك التربية و هناك استثناءات فعلية تشرق أحيانا من البعض

  • تفشي الأنانية و حب الذات الغير طبيعي
  • عدم المقدرة على انتقاء و اختيار الألفاظ في الحديث مع الغير كبارا و صغارا
  • غياب الادبيات و اللباقة واللياقة العامة - بالكويتي "ما ينعطون ويه" بل الكلام معهم مقزز
  • عدم القراءة و الجهل التام في مجريات الأمور
  • القاء اللوم على الاخرين - و كأنهم علماء وهم في الجهالة غارقون
  • التعامل بالكذب و خيانة الأمانة و كأنهما فضائل
  • الاحساس بالفوقية و العلو على الاخرين - على مجد لم يكونوا سببا فيه
  • عدم الاكتراث بقيمة مقتنياتهم التي لم يدفعوا لاقتنائها شيئ
  • لا داعي للاشارة الى ضعف تحمل المسئولية بل انعدامه
  • عدم المقدرة على الكلام المنطقي و صعوبة فهم الكلام المنطقي
  • الكلام أكثر من الاستماع و غياب التفاهم ... حوار طرشان
  • الدلع الغير طبيعي ... لا لا مو طبيعي بالمرة
  • استخدام كافة الوسائل المشروعة و غير المشروعة للحصول على أي شيئ
  • التبجح بالخطأ و التفاخر بالمسخرة
  • البحث عن الرزة بأي شكل من الاشكال
  • التدخل في أمور ليس لهم علاقة فيها
  • عدم المقدرة على التفرقة بين الخير و الشر

قد يتمتع البعض بهذه الصفات و يقول ... كيفي !!! و هنا الطامة فلندعو معا غراندايزر لينتقم !!! و افهم يا شاطر ... و السلام ختام


  1. You are right. But you leave it unended. What do you think is an educator's role in all of this? At least we can come up with solutions to such matters.

  2. We are getting to closer to a vicious cycle known as GIGO, these youngsters and youths are the educators of tomorrow ... the whole situation is not well characterized and not well defined, hence a proper solution can not be suggested yet... Full diagnosis of the problem is missing and not accurately described... All I mentioned here is a set of Observations without analysis or set boundaries. Being an instructor in the engineering field , I did some work on the principles underlying the building up of an engineer. I got stuck with proper characterization of the relative understanding of ethics and societal morale. You can say I failed to describe the problem well, however, I had a better luck in setting observations in prospective. Some of them are written in this blog in sarcastic way.

    Many thanks for your comment and indeed it is un-ended. I believe that the lack of successful and doable solutions to many problems in the country or the region is due to the poor definition of the problem in other words, poor definition of the current state and the desired state. Once we properly define the current state through set of observation and correct diagnosis then setting the goals of a desired state, we can generate creative solutions to select from. It is similar to going to a medical doctor, the good one is the one who diagnoses well and then provide the corresponding medication. Diagnosis requires clear set of metrics and indicators. Yes, we have some in the education field however, they are not customized and not sufficient.

  3. Yes, it all goes back to identifying the root cause of the problem (which can be societal, parental, or academic). Though I was thinking more in lines of setting specific guidelines for students to abide by throughout the course in order to attain grades (rules and regulations within classrooms).

    Or integrating subject materials (readings/activities) in which educators introduce their desired "ethics" through labelling them as required reading.

    Or simply apply "modelling" by educators in which teachers model the "correct" way to perceive and work with other classmates or on their own projects.

  4. What's more important, which I find colossal actually, is how educators perceive the student/teacher relationship that - within an ideal teaching philosophy - should be based on humanist and egalitarian conditions in which students stop perceiving teachers as the "all mighty" administrators of a classroom and more like ordinary human beings.

    Respectively, teachers would stop employing their "higher status" which enables them to disparage students' "ethical/moral" background and start reaching out to students. This is what allows teachers to truly educate their students on all levels, academic and social.

    What I'm trying to get at is that teaching is an opportunity for educators to transform their students into better people, and this cannot be if the educator is personally attacking the students' characteristics but can only be achieved through truly desiring student benefit.

    They say there is no such things as bad students, only bad teachers. I guess that it means that students are expected to have flaws due to their being minors while it is a teacher's task - as adults - to direct them towards a better path to take in life.

    I like reading your posts, it allows me to view matters from within a teacher's perspective.

  5. In previous posts I criticize the un-ethical roles by many university instructors. I won't call them teacher as I highly respect this word.

    For long time, university's instructors are not called teachers due to the fact that it is not part of their resposibility to morally or ethically be a role models to the students. They are obligated to provide quality knowledge ONLY. However, new trands in engineering education (and I believe in other fields as well) emphasize on building up an instructor-student relation that gives an example of how to be professional. The main assumption is you are dealing with a GROWN UP student who desires to learn and experience learning and not ONLY grades-oriented. Such assumption can be challenged easily in Kuwait because of the mind-setting created by the parent and the society in regards to the A-student versus the C-student. In my experience, most of the C and B students are better engineers than A students. Grades are irrelevent. One might question the way grading is done in the first place. Hence, we raise the question of subjectivity versus objectivity. Objective assessment is usually done through written or oral assessment NOT based on the subjective assessment of the instructor regarding the way of thinking the student has. Most A students have better memory and ability to comperhend but not necessarily ability to think out of the box which can not be assessed objectively without subjective evaluation.

    What you refer to bad teachers and bad students is related to the student age group. It is definitely true in the primary and secondary levels of education. Higher levels , when the students have shaped his or her desity in most cases, are usually looked at students willingness to proceed in life with self-motivation and not forced motivation. Again such assumption is failing in a country like Kuwait. Most students lack a dream or a vision or a path to proceed into , I clearly see this the resposibilty of the people influencing his or her background, earlier levels teachers mainly.

    In the university, professors are instructors and NOT TEACHERS , this is the catch !!! and it is an educational issue to be considered and requires further studies from my side.

    Academic role model is a concept that usually looked at in a way that this professor is my role model in particular subject.

    I remembered once a student complained to me that the professor teaching the engineering code of ethics is actually without ethics. My reply is he is an instructor NOT a teacher !!!

  6. Yes, many students, especially in freshman years, perceive their professors similarly to the way they perceive their teachers and/or parents; as people who are to be trusted and looked up to.

    But you are absolutely right. College professors are instructors and not teachers, and that's a whole new ballgame. On that particular note, here's an idea for you; remind us of that more often. Reassert the fact that as college students, we are responsible for our own actions and should be able to rely on ourselves to attain the desired grade. Believe me, we need the reminder.

    However, there should be a professor-teacher relationship based not only on professionalism but on motivation as well through peer work, discussions, and/or creating projects that allow connection with reality. Given, teachers of literature have more leighway in that respect than science teachers have, but you play the hand you're dealt.

    Of course clarity of curriculum outline and teacher objectivity are a must and beneficial to both parties. Professor objectivity is the toughest part though and needs constant self-monitoring just to be in-check. I think teaching - broad meaning here - is the toughest job in the world, but only if it's done right :-)

  7. professionalism includes motivation, peer work, discussions .. etc and never meant a rigid pouring of knowledge into the student's ear. It is a set of acts with restrictions on the personal behavior.

    I agree a Reminding mechanism during the semester or perhaps through out college days should be part of the professor's duty.

  8. No, don't restrict personal behavior, it's what makes you guys relatable. And you - as educators - are the ones capable of setting the tone for each class. If I had a class, it would be my way or the high way; strict, fair, and challenging!

    Keep us posted on your field work.

  9. What you are referring to behavior modification of students. Societal pressures and forces drive many professor to not take the initiative to build up professor-student relation.

    My personal experience is bit different as I do develop what I call an "academic fatherhood" relation furthermore I represented through a Genealogical description of my Academic Genealogical espcially my MASTER and PhD students. They like it and it indeed relates the students well. At the end I am an academic father to my students.

    Perhaps, one day, I post my Academic ancestors tree in the web site :)

  10. صنع الكوادر البشريه هو مشروع صعب بذاته يبدأ منذ اليوم الأول لولاده الطفل. عندما نسلط الضوء على الحاله المذكوره نجد منها الكثير ولكن تختلف من حيث تبرير الآباء فنجد البعض يصر على تفوق ابنه لان اصبحت الحياه العمليه صعبه والاولويه في القبول في الجامعه الحكوميه هي للمعدلات العاليه خاصه وان الطاقه الاستيعابيه لجامعه الكويت باتت اقل بكثير لعدد الطلبه المقبولين.
    من جهة أخرى يريد الأب ان يتباهي بولده وهذا حق مشروع ولكن هل سعى الأب مع الأم لتربيه هذا الطفل ام تركوه للخادمه جاندر لتتولى بدورها عمليه التربيه والتعليم؟

    ان النقاط المذكوره اعلاه في المقال تتلخص في ان الجيل الحالي هم نتاج تربيه الخدم لذا لا ألوم من كانت تربيته تحت يد الخادم ان يفتقر لاسلوب المنطق والحوار والادب وان يكون غنيا بالأنا.
    عندما نخرج من اطار التربيه الاساسيه والتي هي الاسره نتجه الى المراحل الدراسيه مبتدئة بالحضانه ورياض الأطفال نجد ان معظم المدرسات يفتقرن لفنون التربيه والتعليم لذا لا عجبا ان سمعنا من الاطفال بعض المصطلحات العجيبه والسيئه. وتزيد تلك المطلحات كلما تقدمنا في المرحله الدراسيه.
    انا شخصيا قالت لي احدى مدرسات التربيه المدنيه: مالك هو انتي اتعميتي اضربي الكره في المربع اللي في الطوفه يا طوفه. يعني هذا اسلوب يصدر من مدرسه؟
    الوزاره هي وزاره التربيه والتعليم. يعني قدمت التربيه عن التعليم.
    قيل لا حياة من تنادي بس انشاءالله في ناس تسمع وتستوعب.

  11. دكتوري العزيز كما يقال المعنى في بطن الشاعر... وانا اقول المغزى عندك..موضوعك.. مو مثل ما البعض متصور اللي هو تربية الاطفال.. لااااااا!!!

    الموضوع اكبر من جذي بوايد اظن ان المغزى على مستوى الدول والسياسة اذا ماني غلطانه :))

  12. سوري دكتور دخلت من حسابك

    التعليق اللي فوق لي مو لك

  13. اذا كان مثل ما تقولين ان المغزى سياسة ودول فإن الدولة لا تقوم الا بكوادرها البشريه والسياسه لا تدار الا من قبل التعاون المشترك بين الحاكم والمحكوم.
    دكتور حبيت انوه ان غراندايزر ما كان يستخدم للانتقام كان يستخدم لحماية كوكب الأرض من غزاة الفضاء :‏)‏ وما ظل احد من جيل الشباب في الثمانينات ما تولع فيه وتابعه :‏)‏

  14. Dear Dr. Khaled,
    interesting post, i am a student and i would say that parents pressure their kids so hard inorder to guide them. It is true that these methods are sometimes harsh and can lead to dangerous rebellious acts but at the end of the day, a parent wishes that his son/daughter receive the best education.
    And, i dont want to generalize but most students in kuwait take things for granted which is a completely different case than the west, so this requires for a different method of approaching the son/daughter.
    thanks for the great post..:)

  15. ما أدري والله شقولك يا أخوي
    الموضوع كبير ومتشعب وفيه أطراف كثيرة
    تلعب دور كبير وخاصة في ظل مجتمع مثالي مثل مجتمعنااللي الكل عيالهم مؤدبين والكل متربين ويعرفون السنع والمنع والأصول
    والدليل شوف حالنا ولغة التعامل والحوار في البلد من جميع أطيافه وفئاته واعماره واختلافاته
    اللي نقدر نسويه نحاول إنه نأسس ونبني القواعد الصحيحة في أبنائناوغرسها منذ الصغر، علشان يقدرون يصدون تأثيرات البيئة المحيطة المدرسة، العمل، العلاقات الإجتماعية وغيرها،،،، باللي يقدرون عليه ويصير تأثير البيئة عليهم أقل من غيرهم بسبب أساساتهم وقواعدهم الصلبة والمتينة
    فمن جذيه لاحظت الغرب في أغلب دراساتهم وبحوثهم وإصداراتهم
    يركزن على ما يمسى ب
    Environment (Complexity, sophisticated, ambiguous, etc.)
    ويبينون أهميتها في كل موضوع يتطرقون له
    وأعتقد أخوي إن شاء الله تكون فاهم شنو اللي أقصده
    ولك تحياتي وشكري على الموضوع الرائع
